
Delivery & Payment

You need to sign up for membership in order to buy online via our mobile application and on our web site. Membership is recommended so that you are informed about special discounts, most recent opportunities, promotions, and enjoy our services for easy replacement, order follow-up and express order.

You can add or remove products to /from your card as you like if you haven't got your order confirmed. If you want to add or remove products once you get your order confirmed, you need to call us at our contact number and let us know. We will take care of your request provided it satisfied the conditions.

We assure you that we will work devotedly to correct it and prevent it from happening again. You can take a clear picture of the defect/fault in 7 days and e-mail it at or contact us at our contact numbers.

Delivery time of the orders depends on the shipping companies and the recipient's address. Estimated delivery date ranges between 2 and 20 days.

Orders are given to the shipping companies for delivery within 24 hours. For the avoidance of doubt, the time of delivery to the shipping company may vary if your order contains products(s) that will be supplied from the supplier. Estimated supply time is 1 to 2 days.

Credit card, Western Union, Money Gram, Visa (website), MasterCard (website), money transfer (IBAN), Zolotaya Korona o payment through any other shipping company of your choice.

The shipment fee is included in the total cost when you approve your cart. The shipment fee depends on the delivery country, quantity of ordered product(s), weight and size of the order. One the shipment fee is calculated for your order, we manually add it to the total amount of payment. If there is a contracted shipping company, you may pay the shipment fee to that company. We will deliver your order to the shipping company of your choice.