
30 $

Plus Size Shirt-Yellow

Рубашка больших размеров-Желтый


30 $

Color: Yellow

Sizes: 44, 46, 48, 50


Clothes - Plus Size Shirt

65% COTTON 30% POLYESTER 5% Elastane

This plus size womens shirt is in a bright yellow color and has a comfortable fit that flatters the body. The shirt has long sleeves with buttoned cuffs. There is one pocket on the front and the collar is a classic shirt collar. Button details add a touch of elegance. The back is plain, and the long cut allows for comfortable movement. Its breathable fabric provides comfort throughout the day.

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But if you don't have a cargo company, your minimum order value should be 500 USD.

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1-Western Union

2-Money Gram



5-Credit Cart

6-Bank transfer(IBAN)

7-you can pay your order prices to your cargo cooperate if you have any account in shipping company in istanbul

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